In previous live-action DC films, Harley Quinn has been played by Margot Robbie. Printed in bold font are the words, “CRAZY IN LOVE” and “JOKER HAS A NEW LOVE.” While the actor and pop musician waded through the zealous crowd of fake protesters, one of the extras held up a copy of the fictional Gotham Examiner with a mugshot of Gaga in character as “Harleen Francis Quinzel” on the front page.
In March, Gaga was photographed wearing clown makeup, a red blazer, a black-and-white blouse and checkered black tights while filming protest scenes on the steps of a New York courthouse. Now that ‘Joker’ is a bona fide box office sensation, will a sequel follow? Star Joaquin Phoenix shares his thoughts.
Movies Will there be a ‘Joker’ sequel? Joaquin Phoenix shares his thoughts